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Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound Dog Breed

Aliases: Baluchi Hound, Tazi, Afghanischer Windhund, Levrier Afghan, Lebrel Afgano, Sage Baluchi

Life Span: 14-16 years
Litter Size: average of 8 puppies per litter but may be up to 15
Group: Southern, AKC Hound
Color: all colors and patterns acceptable but white on the face or body is considered very undesirable.
Hair Length: Long
Size: Medium, Large
Shedding: Moderate Shed
Male Height: 27 to 29 inches (68.58-73.66cm)
Male Weight: 58-64lb (26-34kg)
Female Height: 27 to 29 inches (68.58-73.66cm)
Female Weight: 58-64lb (26-34kg)
 General info courtesy of Additional information about this breed can be found on their website.

Thyroid Disease - Medium Risk

The Afghan Hound ranks #58 among all breeds for autoimmune thyroiditis prevalence. While this is not a high risk breed, there is still a good chance of disease transmission through breeding. Therefore, all dogs intended for breeding should be tested first. 

 Rank Among Breeds  Number of Dogs Tested  Percent of Dogs With Disease
 #58  494 7.3%

You can download the full report (on all breeds) by the Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health. Here

Other Health Problems

The most commonly seen health problems noted with the Afghan Hound are typically the heart, eyes and injuries to the tail. Overall the Afghan Hound has a low pain tolerance and they seem to need a bit of special attention should they have any type of minor injury. The most common health conditions with the Afghan Hound are:

  • Necrotic myelopathy - a respiratory paralysis that typically occurs at 3 to 6 months of age and will result in death.
  • Ear Mites and ear infections - this is common with any breed with folded over ears.
  • Allergies - milk allergies as well as certain food and environmental contaminants and items can result in allergies that will result in hair loss and possible skin infections if there is scratching and licking.
  • Cataracts - eye conditions that may be corrected by surgery and drug therapies.
  • CHD - canine hip dysplasia can be mild to severe and will be gradually degenerative. 
  • Tail injuries

In addition it is important for owners and vets to be aware that the Afghan Hound is very sensitive to many different types of medications as well as to anesthesia. This is an important consideration when deciding on specific surgical procedures and drug therapies.