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Wirehaired Fox Terrier

Wire Fox Terrier Dog Breed

Aliases: Fox Terrier Wire Coat, Wire, Wire Haired Fox Terrier, Foxie

Life Span: The life expectancy of the Wire Fox Terrier is at least 15 years or more.
Litter Size: The average litter size for the Wire Fox Terrier is between 3 and 6 puppies.
Group: Terrier
Color: The typical coloring for the Wire Fox Terrier is white with black or brown markings.
Hair Length: Medium
Size: Toy/Small
Shedding: Does Not Shed
Male Height: 14-16 inches
Male Weight: 15-20 pounds
Female Height: 13-15 inches
Female Weight: 13-18 pounds
 General info courtesy of Additional information about this breed can be found on their website.

Thyroid Disease - Medium Risk

The Wire Fox Terrier ranks #74 among all breeds for autoimmune thyroiditis prevalence. While this is not a high risk breed, there is still a good chance of disease transmission through breeding. Therefore, all dogs intended for breeding should be tested first. 

 Rank Among Breeds  Number of Dogs Tested  Percent of Dogs With Disease
 #74  158  5.1%

You can download the full report (on all breeds) by the Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health. Here

Other Health Problems

  • Epilepsy: Causes seizures.
  • Cataracts: Causes cloudiness to the lens of the eye and can result in vision loss.
  • Legg Perthes disease: Extreme muscle loss in the legs.
  • Distichiasis: Extra hairs growing on the edge of the eyelid. They can cause pressure and discomfort to the eye.
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Deafness