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VT11: Canine Non-Specific Binding Assay

This microplate assay is intended for dogs that have already tested positive for TgAA (product VT 10). For the most accurate results the dogs should be retested for non-specific binding of canine Ig. This method eliminates false-positives and reduces inconclusive results due to nonspecific Ig binding.

The VT 11 kit contains reagents identical to those in the VT 10 kit and can test up to 42 samples in duplicate.*  However, the wells are not coated with thyroglobulin (Tg-). This allows the quantification of non-specific binding for each sample.

*We strongly recommend testing all samples in duplicate to ensure accurate testing results.

To place an order contact our sales staff at (800) 266-9477. You can also email them at

VT11 Kit (single plate): $210.00
*Volume Discounts Available.*